The RockGate is located in Leeds which is a movement of Christ followers passionate about worshipping Jesus Christ, growing in faith, sharing our lives and faith with others, reaching people who don’t have a relationship with God, and blessing our communities and the world through our transformed lives. Our mission is to help people find secure belonging in God, connect meaningfully with each other, grow as disciples in God’s family, and serve wholeheartedly in communities.
Everyone is invited to attend The RockGate and participate in our church and ministries. We want to establish a secure, caring environment where everyone, no matter where you are on your spiritual path, may explore a connection with God.
Nothing beats community. We think that the focused interactions found in a small group are the ideal location to actually belong, enjoy life's joys, weather life's storms, and become who God created you to be.
服侍是建立聯繫和參與的最有效方式之一。 與我們的團隊一起事奉,發揮上帝賜予的力量和愛心,服侍祂,祝福其他人吧!歡迎您參與:祈禱團隊、技術團隊、敬拜團隊、茶水團隊、迎賓引座等等……
Serving is one of the most effective ways to connect and remain engaged. Volunteer with one of our teams or ministries to use your God-given strengths and abilities to serve the kingdom.
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