我們相信教會不是一個地點,不是一座建築物,而是一個讓人找到歸屬的群體。在樂道教會,您將不斷受到激勵和啟發,以加深您與上帝的關係、建立與人重要且有意義的聯繫,並利用您的能力和恩賜來擴展上帝的國度。 當您確認與上帝的關係,並努力付出時,您會見證耶穌基督如何賦予真實的希望,並改變您和您身邊人的生命。
At The RockGate, you will be continuously challenged, encouraged, and inspired to grow deeper in your relationship with God, build important and life-giving connections, and utilise your abilities to further God's Kingdom. And as you do, you will witness Jesus' authentic hope transform your life and the lives of people around you.
樂道教會擁抱我們在文化、性情、屬靈旅程、性別、年齡和恩賜方面的多樣性,並相信這是上帝賜與教會的力量。 我們在基督內合而為一,效法祂謙卑的榜樣。我們的背景多元,但教會有合一的使命和價值觀。
We believe that the Church's diversity in culture, temperament, spiritual journey, gender, age, and talent is a strength. We are one under Christ, conforming to His image. Our mission and values contribute to the unity of a diverse church.
在上帝的設計中,家庭是培育信仰的主要場所,我們致力於同心建立健康的人際關係,並創造環境讓家庭成員一起敬拜、連結和事奉。 我們希望營造一種正面的氛圍,讓整個家庭可以一起成長和經歷上帝。
God designed the family to be the primary place where faith is nurtured and we are committed to assisting you in developing healthy loving connections. We invite families to worship together, connect, and serve together. We want to create an atmosphere in which the entire family may develop and experience God together.
轉化社區: 作為耶穌的門徒和旅居世界的異鄉人,上帝呼召在我們在人群中展現祂的憐憫和關愛。 我們充當耶穌的手足,服侍社區人群,以具體的方式展示上帝的愛。我們願意與本地團體合作,服務我們社區的需要。
Community Transformation: As Jesus' disciples and aliens of the world, we are called to be a visible manifestation of His compassion and love in the world around us. We are committed to helping the local community as Jesus' hands and feet, demonstrating God's love in concrete ways. We collaborate with local groups to satisfy the needs of the communities around us.
全球使命: 我們不願被圍牆隔離,通過與樂道建立的全球宣教士網絡,您可以協助把福音傳到您的社區之外。主耶穌吩咐和挑戰我們,倚靠祂的力量去愛人如己,並讓萬國萬民成為祂的門徒。
Global Mission: We are dedicated to going beyond the four walls and reaching into the needs of our country and the world. You may play an important part in spreading the Good News beyond your neighbourhood by connecting with a network of worldwide missionaries that The RockGate has established. We are challenged to love our neighbours as ourselves and to create disciples of all nations.
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